WORMS TDC Hehehe:))) FuR-Q ere, I spent a while hackin up the Worms main file and found a few modes for ya... They need to be typed in before pressing Game Start on the title screen... Artillery = All worms can't move. Nutter = All weapons are more powerful. Red Bull = Worms can jump higher. Supa Shoppa = Loads of weapon crates. Total Wormage = Not Sure Yet! Oh Yeah... the spinning grenade on the title screen can be bounced around using the mouse, You can mess around with it too... Pong = Static / Movable. Gravity = Erm... :) Magnet = Follows the mouse. Boing = Changes to a ball. Music = Music on / off You can try these too but i'm not sure what they do... Andy Fisk Amiga Cheat Catchya all l8r:) FuR-Q 97